By: A Fit Fashionista
In reply to <a href="">Paula @</a>.
By: Serein
In reply to <a href="">Cheryl Wooodman</a>.
Thank you for the info! I find that my skin has been happier when not using products with mineral oil. I've been using straight up rosehip seed oil. The Jergin's wet skin would be amazing, but I'd notice as the day wore on it felt super dry and I needed more and more product, more so than when I would use my body butters.
By: thewonkyjen
Thank you for finding me an alternative in shower moisturiser...been yearning for something alternative to Nivea!
By: Paula @
In reply to <a href="">Nereyda Gonzalez</a>.
I don't think so, it's a completely different product, but I also noticed that I haven't seen it around anymore! Hope they didn't discontinue it!! :(
By: Cheryl Wooodman
In reply to <a href="">Paula @</a>.
Hey lovelies... you are very right, mineral oil is purified when it gets used in skincare. As an ingredient what it does is sit ontop of your skin which means water can't escape it. It's good for sealing in moisture. What it can't do is give your skin any vitamins/conditioning that come from plant oils like almond/argan/olive, those add on skin conditioning omegas and vitamins that can absorb into skin and help to improve long term skin condition :D It's just about deciding what it is you want to give your skin :)