By: darrell_little
In reply to <a href="">Janah Jay</a>.
janahjay wrote
By: Paula @
In reply to <a href="">Moonsparkle</a>.
Thank you so much, Zania! x
By: Moonsparkle
Thank for sharing, this is an inspiring post. :) I hope you're starting to feel better. :)
By: Paula @
In reply to <a href="">Andrea Mazzola</a>.
I am so sorry about your loss, Andrea, I'm sending my love your way. So happy to hear that you started to pick up the pieces. Grief can take a very long time to come to terms with, and it's never something that truly goes away. That doesn't mean that your life shouldn't be filled with new adventures, goals and love. Your dad will always be a part of you, and I'm sure he'd want to see you thrive and go after your dreams.
By: Paula @
In reply to <a href="">Linda Libra Loca</a>.
Thank you so much for your sweet words, Anne and for always being so kind and supportive. It's such a frustrating thing to go through when you feel like your body isn't yours anymore. It does take time to accept that change.